This time, we watched a video for the first 7 minutes of the film Big Fish. The storyline revolves around a father and a son,and the son grew up from a small boy who believed in his father's incredulous lies to a person who feels that his father was not telling the truth from the very start, that had never cared for his family. The father repeated his tales over and over again to his friends, even to everyone on the son's wedding day. The son was so frustrated that he did not speak to his father ever again.
The father's quote,"A big fish in a small pond",shows all the more that he is arrogant and pompous, concealing the insecurity and inferiority that he has. This shows that he wants to be in the limelight all the time. Hence our teacher gave us a question to think about,"When do you think a lie is justifiable?" In my opinions, I feel that lying is definitely wrong, but telling a "white lie", in other words a lie used for good intentions, may not be always right. Like the example that my teacher gave: if one day after I grow up, my mother asked me if she was very fat; then I would see the situation: if she was indeed plump but still in the pink of health, it was not wrong to tell her that she wasn't; but if she was obese and unhealthy, then it would be harming her to tell her that she wasn't. However, all in all, telling a lie is definitely wrong as it does not allow people to trust you anymore.
Also, exaggerating an account would definitely undercut the credibility of the story itself, and it would make people think that you are always making the mountain out of the molehills. People would also as a result, not believe whatever you say again just in case if you are exaggerating again.
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ReplyDeleteGavin, I do not agree that exaggerating an account will undercut the credibility of the story. Exaggerations is by all means, a way of telling an interesting. Although telling the same story a hundred times make it boring, you cannot say that exaggeration is a lie. That way, you might as well just say plainly that all storytellers are just liars and nothing more. Exaggeration is an important technique in storytelling and cannot be called a lie.
ReplyDelete-------Reuben Wong,2O129------------------------