Friday, May 6, 2011

Will Singapore forever escape the wrath of nature?

Recently, there has been a lot of catastrophic natural disasters happening to other countries, such as the Japan earthquake. Fortunately, Singapore has been safe from the wrath of natural disaster for such a long period of time. Will this tranquility continue to persist, or will Singapore encounter natural disasters in the upcoming future? Nobody knows. However, are we prepared to face natural disasters should the need arises? The answer is a definite no.

People in Singapore, are generally selfish and only think about themselves. Should a natural disaster strike, the people will panic and chaos will reign. They would only think about escape and are not willing to care for others, as opposed to Japan. In Japan, many people are still willing to help each other even when there is a disaster. People do not panic and run around like mice being chased by cats. They queue up orderly to receive their food and water given by other countries. There is no sign of pandemonium being shown when the disaster hit Japan. Singaporeans had proved themselves to be selfish people, for example, not giving up seats to the elderly or pregnant ladies on public transport. What would happen to Singaporeans should a disaster happens? The answer is obvious.

Hence, we should all try to curb the selfishness and "kiasu"ness in our hearts. Singapore would definitely be a better place if we all do so.

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